Dental Implants is one of the cosmetic dentistry services provided by West Palm Beach FL 33406 dentist Jeffrey Cohen, DDS.
Call our West Palm Beach Dental Office (561) 967-8200 for cosmetic, general, preventive, teeth whitening, smile makeovers, dental hygiene treatment, restorative, implant and sedation dentistry services.
Normally we think of a teeth cleaning as just that. Our tongues love the smooth and clean feeling we get after visiting our dental hygienist. But there's another huge benefit to regular teeth cleaning. Hygienists spend time in your mouth. That give them the opportunity to spot suspicious tissue or other possible signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer has a fantastically high cure rate - but only if it's detected early. Another reason to love your dental hygienist!
Dentist West Palm Beach FL Jeffrey Cohen, DDS 4324 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Tel: (561) 967-8200
Maybe you remember that TV show, Extreme Makeovers? They took people who were unhappy with their appearance and let surgeons and dentists perform cosmetic miracles on their bodies and teeth. Well, a complete smile makeover like that can be done by many dentists, And often it only takes two visits!
Dentist West Palm Beach FL Jeffrey Cohen, DDS 4324 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Tel: (561) 967-8200
Tooth enamel is very hard but... That doesn't mean you can't break it. Our office recommends to avoid eating "hard foods" such as popcorn. Don't crack nut shells with your teeth or chew on ice. Opening packages with your teeth can also damage the enamel. It's not just the sugar - it's also the acid Sugar and acids are your teeth's worst enemies. What are we talking about? Soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and candy. Because of the acid content, Mountain Dew seems to be the worst of the worst. There is even a name for the damage it does and it is called "Dew Mouth." These erode the tooth enamel, making it highly susceptible to decay. Parents, watch your kid's consumption of these because young children's enamle hasn't developed fully. This makes these drinks even more damaging for kids. As well as eliminating the above (or at least reducing their consumption), it is recommended to always brush and floss after every meal. If you can't, use a sugar-free xylitol chewing gum after a meal. Also rinse your mouth with a high quality dental mouthwash.
Dentist West Palm Beach FL Jeffrey Cohen, DDS 4324 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Tel: (561) 967-8200