Friday, April 6, 2012

Canker Sores and Cold Sores

Nobody likes a mouth sore!  They are painful, unattractive and usually annoy you for up to two weeks.  They are caused by many things like trauma, infections, lack of vitamins and stress.  Most people don't know the difference between a cold sore and a canker sore.   There are differences you need to be aware of. 

Canker Sores are small ulcers located inside your mouth.  They are usually white or gray with a red border.  These lesions are not contagious, but are extremely painful.  There are no treatments to cure the sore, but many  products can be used to make them more comfortable.  Anesthetic and antimicrobial mouth rinses can provide temporary relief.  Also, make sure to avoid spicy, hot ,and acidic foods that will irritate the sore. It should resolve itself in 1 to 2 weeks. 

Cold Sores are fluid filled blisters located on the lips, under the nose or on the chin. These sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1or type 2 and are very contagious.  The initial infection is usually in childhood and can be confused with a flu or cold, but some people don't get sick at all.  Once you have the virus, it stays in your body for life.  Most of the time it will not be active, but things like wind, sun, fever and stress can cause it to activate.  These blisters are usually cleared up in 1 week.  This is a virus and there is no cure, but there are several over the counter products that claim they will speed up the healing process.  Ask your Dental Care Provider or Pharmacist for treatment tips. 

Not all mouth sores are canker or cold sores.  Anytime you notices changes in your mouth, get it checked.  Your dentist should be able to tell you what kind of sore you have based on shape, size and location.  If not, they can refer to the right place for further evaluation. 

Information in this article from