Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gum Disease

Have you ever heard your hygienist calling out numbers while you are in the chair.  He or she is checking your mouth for Gum Disease.  Gum Disease, also known as Periodontal Disease, is a disease of the supporting structures of the teeth.  It attacks the gums and bones that hold the teeth in place.  As the tissue and bone is damaged, pockets are formed.  Generally speaking, the deeper the pocket, the more advanced the disease.  When pockets get severe, mobility occurs, leading to tooth loss.
Periodontal disease is classified according to severity.  There are 2 major stages: Gingivitis and Periodontitis.  Gingivitis is reversible and only affects the gum tissue.  If not treated it can lead to periodontitis.  Periodontitis affects the bone in addition to the gum tissue.  It is more serious,can be maintained, but it is not reversible. 
You can have Periodontal Disease without signs or symptoms.  That is why it is very important to have regular dental check ups that include dental x-rays and periodontal charting. 
If you would like more information on Periodontal Disease, check out the link below.

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